
UMACRAO is our non-profit, professional association focusing on issues of admissions, enrollment management, registration and other related issues of interest to members of the student services profession in higher education. UMACRAO members represent institutions of higher education from Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and northwestern Ontario.

So, why should you become a member of UMACRAO? Here are just a few reasons…

  • UMACRAO holds an annual conference each November to allow members to gather in person to share ideas and keep up to date with the latest trends and best practices in higher education. There is also networking and most importantly fun!
  • UMACRAO provides leadership training by encouraging members to get involved. You could be the next Program Chair and have the opportunity to plan an annual conference!
  • UMACRAO works in collaboration with our national organization, the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers (AACRAO). Involvement in UMACRAO can lead to great opportunities to be involved in AACRAO.
  • UMACRAO provides a regional professional network & fosters a friendly spirit of collaboration among its members. Members benefit from the experience and guidance of seasoned members through our organization.
  • UMACRAO provides access to a listserv of all organization members and free distribution of job postings for higher education positions.
  • UMACRAO recognizes the outstanding contributions of its members to the organization.
Click here to join!

Is your institution already a member?

Email [email protected] with your name, institution, and email address. We will create your profile and send you instructions to set up your password. Then, enjoy members-only content like quarterly newsletters, past UMACRAO Conversation recordings, and more!

Membership Renewal

UMACRAO dues are based on a per institution charge, not a per member charge. All staff members at a member institution have access to UMACRAO programs and benefits. UMACRAO remains an inexpensive means to network with colleagues as well as providing professional development opportunities.

Membership dues for 2024-2025:
Student Population Membership Price
1- 999 students $125
1,000 - 4,999 students $200
5,000 - 9,999 students $250
10,000+ students $325


Click here to renew!